I Made It

Well, Today I did something that Steve Jobs didn't (In addition to that dropped-out-of-more-colleges thing). I made it to my 57th birthday. (Thank you, Rachel, for the shirt!) 

In another month and a half, Steve would have made it to his 57th. 

It's interesting to note what that 57 years has brought. Steve and I were born into a country that had 48 states. When we were born the telephone sat on a table in the front hall, and couldn't be carried around the house unless we paid the extra charge for the really long cord. We listened to our music on these big plastic disks that started to sound pretty bad after a few dozen times on our phonographs. We gathered together on the couch in the living room to watch blurry, wavy, snowy black and white images on the big box in the corner. Engineers calculated loads on bridges and electrons through vacuum tubes the way that God intended: on strips of painted wood (or that newfangled stuff called plastic) with numbers etched into them. 

While we can't really credit Steve and I with Alaska and Hawaii, we had our own huge parts to play in changing the way the world uses technology.

Yep, Steve and I:

He made 'em. 

And I bought 'em.